Smudging - Sage Wands , Palo Santo Sticks & inscense

We offer dried organically grown Bee Sage ( salvia apiana ) for smudging / burning and to be used to help disinfect the air. 

We additionally offer sustainably sourced Palo Santo sticks. The  sticks are hand cut, brought in from Peru and are certified. We absolutely guarantee that they are authentic, sustainably sourced and high grade.

Traditionally, smudging is used to help dispel negative energy in the air and to establish a positive new beginning.  Sage has been documented as an important tool for treating anxiety and depression.  Smudging can be done with several other kinds of dried herbs such as rosemary, lemongrass, sweetgrass, juniper, lavender and many other herbs. Sage just happens to be the most known and the herb is one of the best to use for this.

Sage is very aromatic and quite useful around the house and outdoors. It is used to refresh the house, cleanse the air, remove odors, enhance your mood and give the areas of use, a fresh start! 

Recent studies have shown that there is scientific evidence that the medicinal smoke is a powerful antiseptic that can purify the air of 94% of harmful bacteria and other airborne impurities for up to 24 hours.

Outdoors, it can be used to help repel mosquitoes and other pests. 

When using indoors, just light the tips of the leaf and gently blow out the flame to allow it to smolder.  Use a heat safe dish to hold your sprig of sage over, to prevent any ash from falling. Walk around your home to gently wave the smoke in the air or you can set the smoking dish in a safe area to allow it to burn out in a few minutes.

Use heat safe dishes such as ceramic, terra-cotta or abalone shell. Never leave burning sage unattended, near pets or near children. Please do not place your face into the smoke to inhale.  Careful not to over do it and set off a smoke detector.

Use caution and do not overwhelm others in the household with to much smoke. People suffering from asthma, small children and pets should step outside for a bit, while the house or room is being treated.

We like to use loose leaf sage because they stay lit longer and are a bit stronger with the dried herb having access to oxygen.  We have always used the loose leaf as its a bit more manageable and a little twig of leaves goes a long ways.  If you don't completely burn the small twigs, they can be relit over and over until completely gone.

When outdoors, we like to use a terra-cotta dish from one of our planters. We light the sage and allow it to rest in the dish when we are having gatherings on the porch to keep the mosquitoes away.  It can be used as a barrier by walking the perimeter of the sitting area outside a few times as needed.

In the kitchen, it will help to remove burnt food or lingering food odors with just a few minutes of waving the smoke around. You only need a leaf or two, to do the job.

It works very well in the bathroom and you would only need to light a single leaf, blow it out and then extinguish it immediately.   Only a minute is all you need in the bathroom to refresh the air naturally without masking odors with fragrance.

A few gentle waves of the smoke inside your vehicle interior while unoccupied could help refresh the inside.

Also useful for lingering kitchen trash, animal areas and laundry rooms.

We respect the history, the  rituals and meditation practices that are associated with smudging but we also enjoy the modern day uses and practicalities.

Our high grade Palo Santo is a beautifully aromatic hard wood that has been used for centuries by native shaman and medicinal people as a means of clearing negative energy and enhance meditation.  Using these sticks are very similar to using the sage. Just light the end of a stick, let it burn for about 30 seconds and then blow out the flame. The Palo Santo will continue to smolder while releasing its aromatic smoke.

The loose leaf organic sage contains approximately 10 small dried whole sprigs in a bag,  that allows you to hold the ends if you like, while you light the ends. Each bag weights approximately 30g weight. We always try to throw in an additional handful of large single leaves as extra!  A small branch can do an entire 2000 sq ft house. Light the end of the leaf in a fire safe bowl to then walk around slowly with the bowl, to allow the scented smoke to cleanse the air. We  like to use a single leaf or small bunches as it is not so overwhelming and it allows you to choose the amount to burn.  This harvest in particular is very strong with its own natural essential oils in the leaf.

 On occasion, we will offer the traditional sage stick "wand" for those who use them for mediation and ritual. They are approximately 4 inches long, 1+ inches wide with an approximate dried weight of 1 ounce/30g. Wands are wrapped with organic cotton hemp twine.

Large Wand Kit - Includes a very large 9 inch long by 2 inch sage wand that is customized with meditation pieces inspired by nature and hand collected. Iridescent natural turkey feather, a natural smooth fossil and a silky ocean worn piece of shell. Use these for self soothing and enjoy the textures to help relieve stress.  A rose quartz pendant is included to help ward off negativity, and when carried on your person, helps to replace negative emotions with positive. Carry this with you, wear it or hang it up.  Its a lovely collection for mediation!

Cleansing Kit - Includes an iridescent authentic abalone shell that is traditionally used with smudging as a dish. This is where you rest your sage when burning. A tightly bundled sage wand, sustainably sourced palo santo wood stick, hand poured 100% beeswax tea light, natural turkey feather and a carved selenite heart stone. Selenite is the ultimate cleansing stone and to be placed next to the abalone while smudging. Using the feather is traditional in dispersing  the smoke during meditation.

Check out some of our large Meditation Kits that offer sensory tools, gem stones and special products for relaxation, anxiety and survival. 


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jackie Windsor

I love the sage I get from Oakwood. I burn it when I sit outside- it is great for keeping mosquitos away! I also love the smell. It always reminds me of camping trips we’ve made in the western United States❤️

Lilly Marte-Perez
Great Smell

I love using this. It really helps clear up any smell around the home and gives me a sense of tranquility and calm. I've used other sage but this one is def has become my new favorite


I love to burn this in my home knowing the quality of the product and for what it does. I've used sage from other stores but Oakwood's has a better smell and I don't feel I have to open every window in the house once I've used it.